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- Apartman Sjenica | Vila Petunija | Сјеница
Welcome to Fairy Petunia a hidden gem located in the very center of the city. Our villa is the ideal choice for all those who want to relax, enjoy nature and explore all the charms of this beautiful region. about us LUXURY PRIVATE ACCOMMODATION Villa PETUNIJA represents the most luxurious type of accommodation near the city promenade of Sjenica. Ideal for families or couples who like comfort. The accommodation unit includes: 4 bedrooms with king-size beds, studio with kitchen, living room, kitchen, dining room, laundry room, as well as 3 terraces overlooking the garden. The building has a separate entrance. It includes TV with cable television, central heating, free wi-fi, as well as free and safe parking. Fully equipped kitchen with dishes, refrigerator, dishwasher, hob, oven and electric kettle. Two bathrooms with shower, bathtub, washing machine and hair dryer. A barbecue with all the necessary equipment as well as terraces with garden furniture are available to guests. Nearby shops, restaurants, cafes, city market, banks, Post Office and bus station can be reached in 2-5 minutes on foot (everything is within 300 meters). Find us on booking book a room or the whole house AND NOW, BELIEVE THE WORD Your host is a lover of travel and nature just like you. I believe that you have decided on an adventure in Sjenica because you are simply enchanted by our Canyon, or you would like to experience the famous Siberian nights of the Caves with a small meze of Sjenica cheese and prosciutto, and that the luxury variant of this trip is absolutely not your primary concern... But no matter how prepared you are to get out of comfort, sometimes comfort is the key thing when it comes to trips like this. We offer you just that little bit for a perfect impression and a complete atmosphere. We are at your disposal 24/7, feel free to contact us for anything you need, and we will do our best to provide even more. We will organize your hiking tours, rent jeeps for unforgettable adventures, borrow skis or skis. We can even hire a babysitter while you're out and about. Like I said... WE ARE HERE FOR EVERYTHING! room QUEEN elegant Elegant lines and refined design characterize our Queen's room. room DELUXE spacious Our largest room provides a real feeling of comfort. room KING comfortable If a good night's sleep is the most important thing for you when it comes to accommodation, we recommend the Royal Room. PETUNIA economic practical Ideal for a long stay. A separate kitchen and terrace are available. to see it better Domaćinski doručak Naš domaćinski doručak uključuje sveže pripremljene specijalitete od domaćih i organskih sastojaka, poput domaćeg hleba, kajmaka, sira, suhomesnatih proizvoda i još mnogo toga. Otkrijte ukuse tradicionalne sjeničke kuhinje i probudite svoja čula uz mirisne i ukusne zalogaje želim da probam there's more Book (almost) the entire house in Sjenica Are you coming with your family or a group of friends? And we have a solution for that. We offer you all 4 bedrooms + a large lounge, kitchen, dining room, two terraces and a separate toilet. I like this one we can and yes Pester or Uvac? or both organized tours Experience Sjenica the right way. Investigate
- kuca | Vila Petunija
THE ENTIRE HOUSE OR JUST A ROOM IN THE ARROW the question is now Anchor 1 CAN'T DO THE WHOLE, BUT CAN 2/3 Are you coming with your family or a group of friends? And we have a solution for that. We offer you all 4 bedrooms + a large lounge, kitchen, dining room, two terraces and a separate toilet. As you can see, petunia is our favorite flower and also the protective sign of our house. So if you happen to be in our accommodation during the blooming season, don't be surprised by the instructions on caring for this favorite tenant of ours. (Watering once a day)🌞 Contact like this BE OUR GUEST and reserve your place on time Villa Petunia Nova bb 36310 Sjenica Name E-mail phone number when are you coming to us? do kada ostajete? Broj gostiju surname that's it kontaktiraćemo te za potvrdu rezervacije
- DORUCAK | Vila Petunija
Uživanje u tradicionalnom sjeničkom doručku u Vili Petunija Zamislite jutro u kome se bude sva vaša čula, jutro koje počinje tradicionalnim ukusima i mirisima Sjenice, jutro koje postavlja temelj za dan pun istraživanja i uživanja u prirodnim lepotama. U Vili Petunija, gosti nisu samo posetioci; oni su deo naše porodice kojoj s ponosom predstavljamo najbolje od lokalne kuhinje. Naš domaćinski doručak je priča o kulturi, tradiciji i nezaboravnim ukusima koji vas vode na gastronomsko putovanje kroz srce Sandžaka. Naša Vila Petunija je više od smeštaja; to je mesto gde se kultura i gostoprimstvo stapaju, stvarajući nezaboravne uspomene za svakog gosta. Jedno od takvih iskustava je domaćinski doručak, koji u potpunosti odražava bogatstvo sjeničke kulinarske tradicije. Paprika u pavlaci - radi se o jednostavnom, ali veoma ukusnom jelu koje spaja svežinu paprika sa bogatstvom i kremastom teksturom sira, često kajmaka, koji je karakterističan za ovaj region. Kupus u pavlaci - Ovaj jednostavan, ali raskošan specijalitet je pravi primer kako jednostavni sastojci mogu biti transformisani u jelo koje odiše domaćom toplinom. Ustipci sa ajvarom - Hrskavi spolja, meki iznutra, ustipci su savršen medijum za naš domaći ajvar, koji se pravi od pečene paprike i patlidžana, i začinjen je u savršenu harmoniju. Sudžuk i pršuta - Neka zvezde sjeničkog suhomesnatog asortimana, sudžuk i pršuta, budu vaš izbor za uživanje u autentičnim ukusima koji su prepoznatljivi širom regiona. Domaći hleb - Bez domaćeg hleba, naš doručak ne bi bio potpun. Ispečen svakog jutra, sa ljubavlju i pažnjom, naš hleb je savršen pratilac svakom jelu. Čuveni sjenički sir - Neodoljiv, kremast, i sa karakterističnim ukusom, sjenički sir je kulinarsko blago koje je samo po sebi razlog da nas posetite. Svaki zalogaj našeg domaćinskog doručka je pažljivo pripremljen da vam pruži pravo iskustvo sjeničke tradicije i gostoprimstva. U Vili Petunija, obavezujemo se da svaki dan započne autentičnim stilom, srcem i dušom naše zajednice. Pozivamo vas da sednete za našu trpezu, uživate u bogatstvu ukusa i postanete deo priče koja se prenosi iz generacije u generaciju. Dobrodošli u Vilu Petunija, gde se tradicija servira sa svakim doručkom.
- STA OBICI | Vila Petunija
WHAT TO DO IN SJENICA UVAC CAVE BURN RELIGIOUS TOURISM AND MUCH MORE Sjenica has so much to offer. But for a start, we will try to introduce you to the most famous attractions of our city. Read More Get a Free Quote This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. First Name Last Name Email Send Thanks for submitting!
- sobice | Vila Petunija
the royal treatment ROYAL ROOMS It's time to take some time for yourself. Do not hesitate to do it in the best possible way because we know that you deserve only the best. 01 Queen's room Elegant and refined the size of the bed 160x200cm the color pastel dew wardrobe Yes Toilet common the price €33 I'm a queen 02 King's room Comfortable and quiet. the size of the bed 140x200 cm the color gray-blue wardrobe Yes Toilet common the price €30 only royal 03 DELUXE room spacious and bright the size of the bed 160x200cm the color White wardrobe Yes Toilet common the price €35 just wide 04 PETUNIA ECONOMIC only practical the size of the bed 2 sofas number of guests 3-4 the kitchen Yes Toilet separate the price €55 perfect
- pester | Vila Petunija
PEŠTERSKA PLATEAU SERBIAN SIBERIA The Peštersko polje special nature reserve received this status in 2016 and covers 3,118 hectares. Here, under specific conditions, a unique complex of habitats was formed with a high diversity of accompanying flora and fauna. It is about 45 kilometers from the town and the highest peak is Troyan (1,430 meters). Due to the specific relief and climate, Peštersko polje is also called "Serbian Tibet" in summer and "Serbian Siberia" in winter. The Pešter plateau is the largest in the Balkans and one of the largest in Europe, with an altitude of about 1,150 meters. Almost minus 39 degrees was measured here in the fifties of the 20th century, which is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Serbia. The average annual temperature is six degrees, while snow remains 60 days a year. you book, we organize Cave adventurer As part of this tour, you will visit: the cave huts in the villages of Tuzinje, Rasna, Kamešnica, the Gutavica nature reserve in the village of Ugao, the Pešter Lake, which is located near the village of Karajukiće Bunare. During this visit, you will have the opportunity to get to know the greater part of the Pešter Plateau, the way of life of the Pešter locals. Then there is a visit and tour of the Peštersko polje special nature reserve. On request organizing a walking tour and conquering the top of Troyan. The walking tour includes walking from the local road to the ascent of Mount Troyan (After a short break, the road awaits us, where we descend to the source of the Đurđevica River. Here we will have a short rest break and a facultative organized lunch. Pešter Lake and Boroštica River Pešter Lake and Boroštica River At the very beginning of the reserve in the place of Karajukića Bunari (where a short break is made after arrival), where the lowest temperature was measured, there is Pešter Lake, which is a real oasis for birds and thus provides real pleasure to visitors. The lake is joined by the river Boroštica, which is rich not only in fish, but also in ten species of freshwater shells, which we organize recreational hunting for. Exaltation of Troy After viewing the lake, we will go via Tuzinje and Krnje jele to Troyan. Wherever you look within the Special Nature Reserve "Peštersko polje", you will see the imposing peak that adorns this landscape. It is about the Trojan hill (1,430 m above sea level), which bears this name because of one of the wealthy Trojan leaders. A walking tour begins at the top of Troyan, and then, while you admire the clouds that seem to fall from the sky on the surrounding hills and seem to be at your fingertips, we will tell you the story of Troyan. During its geological past, the Pešter Plateau was a large lake, of which only a small lake remains today. However, those who happen to be here in May, at early dawn, will witness a mixture of various chirping of flocks of birds, which awaken the surrounding sleeping landscape. Around the same time of the year, the edges of the lake are also adorned with protected species of orchids.
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VILLA PETUNIA contact phone Services little rooms variegated the House reservations Instagram